Especially, when he can scare them to heart attack and then carve them into small pieces. He is a monster.Īyuwoki seems to be very fond of people. This is a master of the mansion and his name is Ayuwoki. However, someone is present here as well. You know that the key is somewhere in the rooms, so you search for it by all means. Just like we have said, there is a locked mansion and you are inside. Still you have them, so don’t miss them! This is The Escape from Ayuwoki, a scary game, where you are in a real trouble. What about combining them in one? Only with one small change – you have a hope for escape, but the hope is very small and your chances are miserable. What frightens you more? A perspective to stay inside of the gloomy mansion locked there forever without a hope to see the light of the day again or a perspective to be killed and teared into pieces by a monstrous creature? Oh, we guess that this is a pretty hard choice to make! Both perspectives are so appealing.